Transatlantic Forum on Geoeconomics Atlantic Council

On 22 Sep­tem­ber, we hos­ted the Trans­at­lan­tic Forum on GeoE­co­no­mics of the Atlan­tic Coun­cil GeoE­co­no­mics Cen­ter and the Atlan­tic Bridge. This event brought tog­e­ther pro­mi­nent poli­cy­ma­kers, busi­ness lea­ders and aca­de­mics from both sides of the Atlan­tic to dis­cuss the future of eco­no­mic gover­nan­ce tools.

The key­note spea­k­ers were the Ger­man Vice Chan­cell­or and Fede­ral Minis­ter for Eco­no­mic Affairs and Cli­ma­te Pro­tec­tion, Robert Habeck, the Depu­ty Prime Minis­ter and Minis­ter of Finan­ce of the Net­her­lands, Sig­rid Kaag, and the United Sta­tes Trade Repre­sen­ta­ti­ve, Kathe­ri­ne Tai. Souad Ben­kred­da, Mem­ber of the Board of DZ BANK, was also the­re to wel­co­me the guests.

Many topics were addres­sed and many ques­ti­ons were rai­sed: „How can both the United Sta­tes and Euro­pe avo­id beco­ming eco­no­mic­al­ly depen­dent on oppo­sing powers wit­hout jeo­par­di­sing growth or trig­ge­ring fur­ther infla­ti­on? What rules and best prac­ti­ces should form a new blue­print for eco­no­mic sta­te­craft? How has the West’s respon­se to Putin’s aggres­si­on chan­ged the con­tours of the role of the dol­lar and euro in the glo­bal economy?“

To accom­pa­ny all the­se exci­ting dis­cus­sions, our chefs and cooks offe­red guests many dis­hes throug­hout the day: Scram­bled egg and por­ridge sta­ti­on for break­fast, honey car­rots with cher­ry pea auber­gi­ne taji­ne for lunch, cheeseca­ke and almond cake for desserts….

Our pro­ject mana­ger David Bau­er coor­di­na­ted the orga­ni­sa­ti­on of this event, which was a real chall­enge, but we are always hap­py when we can con­tri­bu­te to the good suc­cess of inter­na­tio­nal events.

Pho­tos: Atlan­tic Coun­cil / Jani­ne Schmitz