The experience

A place of encounter has to reflect the transformative power that occurs when people get together. Architectonic trailblazer Frank O. Gehry manifested this transformation architecturally by constructing the DZ Bank – the building that houses AXICA. Built in the 1990s in the immediate vicinity of the Brandenburg Gate, the Hotel Adlon and the Academy of Arts.
While the architecture captures the inherent change of a reunited capital, Gehry furthermore created a visionary monument to postmodernism.
This is where flowing lines with organic-seeming elements meet symmetric design. This is where warm pinewood paneling enters into playful tension with straightforward glass constructions. In that way a place of movement and flow was created whose impression no one can withdraw from.
„The best thing
I’ve ever done“
We don’t cook. In our house we create culinary experiences: regional, diverse – and above all made from our own hands.
Our beans grow at Domstiftgut Mützow, the perch comes from the capital itself, and the Shiitake mushrooms from Fehrbellin.
We love vegetarian and vegan delights, and at the same time focus on sustainable meat products, for example from Gut Kerkow in the biosphere reserve Schorfheide-Chorin.
For us, cooking craft and appreciative service form an inseparable unit. That’s why direct communication between our kitchen crew and our guests is just as important as with our service team, who will also greet you in French, Spanish or Arabic.
A selection of unique events that have one thing in common: our standard for sustainable and respectful event management.