View into the atrium of the DZ BANK building: An inner courtyard emerges, surrounded by offices with pine wood façade and windows, above a vaulted glass roof and a steel sculpture in the centre of the courtyard. The vaulted glass roof of the basement rises in front of the sculpture.

The event location in the heart of Berlin

The future is created in spaces of encounter

the experience

The AXICA Con­gress and Con­fe­rence Cen­ter is cele­bra­ting its 25th anni­ver­sa­ry this year. For 25 years, our employees have stood for relia­bi­li­ty and many won­derful encounters.
We love what we do. But one thing counts more than any­thing else:
The satis­fac­tion of our guests, your trust!

View of the AXICA atrium, a glass-roofed inner courtyard of the building with a brushed steel sculpture in the centre
View of the plenum from the back and below, brushed steel sculpture half visible, in the background the arched glass roof over the inner courtyard of the building

Architecture of change – directly next to the Brandenburg Gate

the rooms

Our socie­ty is in a con­stant sta­te of chan­ge. With its uni­que archi­tec­tu­re in Ber­lin, AXICA expres­ses that chan­ge through an inter­play of orga­nic and sym­me­tri­cal design. Whe­ther it is con­gress rooms as crea­ti­ve think tanks for big ide­as, or con­fe­rence rooms with a view of the capi­tal: We pro­vi­de a space for visions.


I can say with cer­tain­ty that the con­fe­rence would never have been this suc­cessful wit­hout your work and sup­port. Your fle­xi­bi­li­ty, hel­pful­ness and hos­pi­ta­li­ty have made working with you an abso­lu­te delight. 
Cen­ter for Libe­ral Modernity
View from above into the forum of the AXICA event location, bar tables on a red carpet with people talking at the reception of an event
Photo of the AXICA event location team, laughing group of people

We transform events into experiences

the AXICA team

Our team’s diver­si­ty is our strength. Here is whe­re exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence of event plan­ning and exe­cu­ti­on meet culina­ry inno­va­ti­on and refi­ne­ment. A respectful tone with others, respon­si­bi­li­ty for future gene­ra­ti­ons and trust in the power of human encoun­ters is what unites us.

Exterior view of the DZ BANK building at Pariser Platz 3, light sandstone facade with large windows

With DZ BANK for the common good


As a sub­si­dia­ry of DZ BANK, AXICA ope­ra­tes inde­pendent­ly. Tog­e­ther with the coope­ra­ti­ve bank we repre­sent a set of values in busi­ness and socie­ty that is defi­ned by soli­da­ri­ty, part­ner­ship and transparency.
„What one can­not do alo­ne, many can.“ This coope­ra­ti­ve approach unites DZ BANK and AXICA. In 2021, AXICA as a com­pa­ny drew up a Com­mon Good Eco­no­my (GWÖ) balan­ce sheet and has sin­ce docu­men­ted the goal of ste­adi­ly incre­asing its com­mon good-ori­en­­ted cor­po­ra­te actions away from the finan­cial balan­ce sheet.
