the Plenum

The walkable sculpture

Centerpiece made of pinewood and stainless steel

the Plenum

The ple­num stret­ches over three flo­ors in AXICA’s atri­um, yet doesn’t fol­low the com­mon com­po­si­ti­on of a room. With an outer shell of brushed stain­less steel and fur­nis­hed with per­fo­ra­ted acou­stic panels made of pine­wood, it crea­tes an almost inti­ma­te atmosphere.
Two addi­tio­nal levels group around the inner oval, remi­nis­cent of a par­lia­ment. One side of the ple­num can be exten­ded by adding a stage. The built-in con­trol desk gua­ran­tees the per­fect tech­ni­cal direc­tion of every event.

das Plenum mit Theaterbestuhlung
Ansicht vom Atrium auf das Plenum
Events in the AXICA

Russia and the West

Center for Liberal Modernity

We can agree on one thing: The Rus­si­an war of aggres­si­on against Ukrai­ne is a tur­ning point. But what does that mean? And what’s to be done now? That’s what guests from Ger­man and inter­na­tio­nal poli­tics dis­cus­sed at the Cen­ter for Libe­ral Modernity’s con­fe­rence on March 24, 2022 at the AXICA ple­num in coope­ra­ti­on with the Munich Secu­ri­ty Conference.