the rooms

AXICA – the event location in the heart of Berlin

exclusive & flexible

Every room at AXICA Is one of a kind and lends exclu­si­vi­ty to every event. Be it the lower flo­ors floo­ded with light, the futu­ristic ple­num or the roof­tops of Ber­lin: fle­xi­ble room struc­tures crea­te uni­que encounters. 

The walkable sculpture

the Plenum

The ple­num in the atri­um car­ri­es the unmist­aka­ble signa­tu­re of archi­tect Frank O. Gehry: with an outer paneling of brushed stain­less steel, an inte­ri­or made of pine­wood, and its bio­mor­phic forms full of move­ment. This is whe­re future visi­ons have a home.

A space for big ideas

the Forum

Under the glass dome stret­ches the light-floo­­ded, spa­cious main room of AXICA. The glass instal­la­ti­ons of artist Niko­las Wein­stein and the red car­pet crea­te a very spe­cial atmo­sphe­re of ease and well-being.

Blick auf

At eye level with the Quadriga

the Sky Lobby & Lounges

With a view of the four-in-hand of the Bran­den­burg Gate and the poli­ti­cal cent­re of Ber­lin, the Sky Lob­by with its big glass faca­de also allows for a view into the stun­ning atri­um. The cur­ved roof that evo­kes the image of a whale’s tail fin hou­ses the Sky Lob­by as well as two adjoi­ning Sky Lounges.

Enjoy the exclusive view

Room Quadriga

The view of Pari­ser Platz and the Bran­den­burg Gate is fasci­na­ting and gives every event that cer­tain something.

Variety with character

flexible room concepts

Whe­ther exhi­bi­ti­on area, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve cen­ter or rela­xed retre­at – fle­xi­bly usable rooms enrich your event. With our addi­tio­nal – very dif­fe­rent – rooms, all this is available to you.