Das Atrium zur blauen Stunde

further spaces

Diversity with character

Blick ins Foyer beim Empfang mit Gästen

lending personal encounters that special something


Con­nec­ted to the forum by glass walls that can be ope­ned and clo­sed fle­xi­bly, the­re is a space here for con­ver­sa­ti­on, exch­an­ge and cap­puc­ci­no at the foy­er bar and lunch buffet.

Gehry Lounge mit gemütlichen Sesseln am Feuer

relaxed retreat

Gehry Lounge

Direct­ly con­nec­ted to the forum, the Gehry Lounge func­tions as a laid-back retre­at. It is fre­quent­ly con­ver­ted into a speaker’s lounge, a dia­lo­gue space or a night­ly bar.

Konferenzraum mit Stehtischen für einen Empfang

cunning objectivity

Conference rooms 1-4

Within clo­se reach of the foy­er, the con­fe­rence rooms 1–4 are mas­ters of fle­xi­bi­li­ty and ser­ve as an exten­si­on of the foy­er for recep­ti­ons, exhi­bi­ti­ons, press offices or workshops.

simple clarity through clear simplicity


The audi­to­ri­um is loca­ted at the plenum’s base. An area that cap­ti­va­tes through its sim­pli­ci­ty and fle­xi­ble usa­ge – as press offices, tech­ni­cal back office, exten­si­on of the cate­ring space and much more.

Dynamics and Joy

Conference rooms 5-8

The Con­fe­rence rooms 5–8 are loca­ted on the 1st flo­or and crea­te a work­shop atmo­sphe­re for agi­le teams. The equip­ment can be fle­xi­bly adapt­ed for a wide varie­ty of event concepts.