Swedish Business Award 2024

Every year, the Swe­dish Cham­ber of Com­mer­ce, Busi­ness Swe­den and the Swe­dish Embas­sy in Ger­ma­ny award the Swe­dish Busi­ness Award to com­pa­nies for their suc­cess on the Ger­man mar­ket. This year’s cerem­o­ny took place at AXICA on Novem­ber 21.

In her ope­ning speech, Swe­dish Ambassa­dor Vero­ni­ka Wand-Dani­els­son empha­si­zed the strong trade rela­ti­ons bet­ween Ger­ma­ny and Swe­den. The award cerem­o­ny in three cate­go­ries was fol­lo­wed by an autum­nal gala menu, which of cour­se took vege­ta­ri­ans and vegans into account. Among the dis­hes ser­ved were pump­kin with papri­ka jam and fri­see, gent­ly coo­ked pas­tu­re-fed beef with port wine jus, honey-gla­zed car­rots, brai­sed black sal­si­fy and pota­to gra­tin as well as mush­room stru­del with oni­on puree and pota­toes. The des­sert was ser­ved as a fly­ing buf­fet and spoi­led the guests with cho­co­la­te mousse with blood oran­ge gel, sava­rin with sal­ted almonds, sea buckt­horn gel and car­rot sor­bet as well as gin­ger­b­read crè­me brû­lee with spi­ced cher­ries and sour cream ice cream.

Pro­ject mana­ger Tetya­na Hess was deligh­ted with the spe­cial atmo­sphe­re of the evening and, of cour­se, the extre­me­ly posi­ti­ve feed­back from the organizer.

Pho­tos: @cheriebirkner