Sustainable Economy Summmit for a socio-environmental transformation

The 1st Sus­tainable Eco­no­my Sum­mit (SES) not only rea­ched an impres­si­ve 4400 peo­p­le (live and on site), but also crea­ted an impres­si­ve com­mu­ni­ty of 13 sup­port­ing asso­cia­ti­ons. The diver­si­ty of the­se sup­port­ing orga­niza­ti­ons for­med the basis for three days full of impul­ses, dis­cus­sions, solu­ti­ons and implementations.

During the­se 3 days, par­ti­ci­pan­ts from various sec­tors not only exch­an­ged their per­spec­ti­ves, but also deve­lo­ped pio­nee­ring stra­te­gies for a more sus­tainable future. The panel with Prof. Maja Göpel was par­ti­cu­lar­ly impres­si­ve as she spo­ke about social cohe­si­on, valuable entre­pre­neur­ship, inclu­ding AXICA, as well as value crea­ti­on and app­re­cia­ti­on. It was made clear that the­re are many levers that can be used to achie­ve a rapid impact in the trans­for­ma­ti­on process.

A par­ti­cu­lar high­light was the snip­ping dis­co on the first evening with vege­ta­bles that were saved and used in the cate­ring for lunch for the fol­lo­wing days – an inspi­ring exam­p­le of sus­tainable prac­ti­ces in busi­ness. Our kit­chen team had a lot of fun and was on hand to ser­ve the guests.

We are proud to have hos­ted and spon­so­red this important event. The 1st SES was more than just a sum­mit; it was a powerful signal for a sus­tainable future and a plat­form to dri­ve change.

Pho­tos: Sus­tainable Eco­no­my GmbH / Jörg Farys