Strengthen the community AXICA new years reception 2024

On Janu­ary 11, 2024, our buil­ding sho­ne in fes­ti­ve sple­ndor as over 150 guests – inclu­ding cus­to­mers, sup­pli­ers, part­ners and neigh­bors – came tog­e­ther to wel­co­me in the new year.

Our aut­ho­ri­zed signa­to­ry Natha­lie Dah­mann-Harb­ecke and Peter Gudat from DZ BANK ope­ned the evening with a warm wel­co­me, while our host Bern­hard Wolff led us through the evening in his usu­al rela­xed and char­ming manner.

The stage beca­me a plat­form for seven of our regio­nal sup­pli­ers, who pre­sen­ted their won­derful pro­ducts and pro­vi­ded the culina­ry high­light of the evening:
Dani­el Demb­ski came from PREUSSEN QUELLE and brought the stage water, TERRA Natur­kost was repre­sen­ted by Robert Klin­ge and pre­sen­ted the pla­te with cevi­che from kohl­ra­bi from our kit­chen, Mar­co Keh­le from TRANSGOURMET Ursprung was the­re to explain the AXICA signa­tu­re pla­te with bee sting from goat’s cheese. Our main cour­se was very well recei­ved by the guests: Qui­noa and leek balls on pars­nip puree and deep-fried kale. GRAGGER – that’s bread was repre­sen­ted by Marc Rib­beck and a hear­ty bread sta­ti­on. We had our home­ma­de spreads to match. HAVELLAND Express with Ewald Schmunk was at the start with the cli­ma­te-posi­ti­ve Ori­gi­nal Beans cho­co­la­te for our cho­co­la­te mousse with blood oran­ge. Our dear Ingo Simon from Sekt- und Wein­gut Gebr. Simon from the Mosel­le took the stage to toast the New Year.

Later in the evening, we show­ed a few impres­si­ons for the 25th anni­ver­sa­ry of the AXICA in a short video pre­view.
The high­light of the evening was defi­ni­te­ly the rela­xed exch­an­ge over good food and sti­mu­la­ting con­ver­sa­ti­ons. The good mood, the laugh­ter and the posi­ti­ve vibes show that we are rea­dy to start ano­ther suc­cessful year tog­e­ther.
A big thank you to ever­yo­ne who shared this spe­cial evening with us. May 2024 be just as fresh and inspi­ring as our start to the new year together!

Pho­tos: AXICA / Jani­na Steinmetz