New Year's Reception 2023 Finding & Supporting Talents

After a two-year break, it was even nicer to resu­me our tra­di­ti­on at the begin­ning of the year on 18th Janu­ary 2023: Ins­tead of scram­bled eggs and fresh juices for our annu­al New Year’s break­fast, this year we ser­ved knö­del (dum­plings), pick­les, wine and much more for our after-work recep­ti­on. Our guests were neigh­bours, part­ners, sup­pli­ers and cus­to­mers, with whom we were able to share this evening.

After Tobi­as Oppen­heim from DZ BANK wel­co­med ever­yo­ne and Natha­lie Dah­mann-Harb­ecke, aut­ho­ri­sed signa­to­ry of AXICA GmbH, spo­ke a few per­so­nal words, our sus­taina­bi­li­ty offi­cer André Steu­er took the flo­or. He spo­ke about fin­ding and sup­port­ing talents and juni­or staff, a topic that is very clo­se to his heart as an IHK exami­ner of trai­nees in the field of cui­sine and as chair­man of the asso­cia­ti­on of capi­tal city chefs. He was joi­n­ed on stage by Annet­te-Suzan­ne Voigt, voca­tio­nal school tea­cher, chef & IHK exami­ner, and Ste­fan Marx, CEO and Co-Foun­der of ZAUBAR, who both pro­vi­ded fur­ther insights.
A small con­clu­si­on of our spea­k­ers: Dis­co­ver and iden­ti­fy talents tog­e­ther with children/young peo­p­le alre­a­dy at school age, offer intern­ships for school­child­ren and sup­port them serious­ly with trai­ners and crea­te space for try­ing things out and asking ques­ti­ons. In addi­ti­on to the pre­sence at trai­ning fairs, app­ly­ing with vide­os was also a big topic – adver­ti­sing vacan­ci­es on social media chan­nels and using vide­os as an appli­ca­ti­on method. This crea­tes clo­sen­ess bet­ween tho­se see­king and tho­se app­ly­ing.
The lec­tu­re was fol­lo­wed by lively dis­cus­sions and an excel­lent fina­le with vege­ta­ri­an dis­hes from the regi­on, crea­ted and pre­pared by our trai­nee chefs Bac, Juli­an and Kamel.

We are alre­a­dy loo­king for­ward to our next New Year’s recep­ti­on in 2024. Until then, we wish you a hap­py and healt­hy 2023!

pho­tos: AXICA / Johan­nes Jost