New Food Conference ProVeg

On 25 and 26 Octo­ber, we hos­ted the „New Food Con­fe­rence“. Orga­nis­ed by Pro­Veg, the New Food Con­fe­rence Ber­lin invi­ted inter­na­tio­nal food pro­fes­sio­nals, sci­en­tists and poli­cy makers to get an idea of how far new food deve­lo­p­ments had pro­gres­sed and whe­re they would lead us in the future.

Exci­ting topics were cover­ed, inclu­ding: „Who is the future con­su­mer of plant-based alter­na­ti­ves?“, „The fle­xi­ta­ri­an revo­lu­ti­on: how meat alter­na­ti­ves can trans­form the beha­viour of main­stream con­su­mers“, „Revo­lu­tio­ni­s­ing the future diet: explo­ring plant-based inno­va­tions com­bi­ned with cul­tu­red ingredients.“

In addi­ti­on to sha­ring valuable exper­ti­se, the event pla­ced gre­at empha­sis on pro­mo­ting net­wor­king and face-to-face inter­ac­tion bet­ween food indus­try play­ers. Our spaces pro­vi­ded the per­fect places to have inspi­ra­tio­nal con­ver­sa­ti­ons and make meaningful connections.

Atten­de­es could look for­ward to a deli­cious vege­ta­ri­an and vegan buf­fet: pump­kin pan­ca­kes with high pro­te­in pea­nut cream, almond por­ridge with pear, tofu bene­dict with vegan hol­lan­dai­se, pump­kin cakes with tan­doori foam, doner Kebab „Ber­lin Style“ with vegan tsa­t­zi­ki, baked tofu with roas­ted broc­co­li, apple tar­te­let­tes with sal­ty cara­mel and an eld­er­flower foam with coo­kie crumbs.

Our pro­ject mana­ger Tetya­na Heß coor­di­na­ted the orga­ni­sa­ti­on of this event.

Pho­tos: AXICA / Jani­na Steinmetz