MCB Clublounge From Babyboomer to GenZ

A very inten­si­ve week star­ted on April 8, 2024 with the Mar­ke­ting Club Berlin’s Club Lounge „From Baby Boo­mer to Gen Z – how gene­ra­ti­ons can learn from each other in marketing“.

In our Sky Lob­by, Han­nes Schwarm (MR WOLF Con­sul­ting) mode­ra­ted the inte­res­t­ing panel with Tho­mas Ander­sen (Ander­sen Mar­ke­ting KG) repre­sen­ting the Boo­mer gene­ra­ti­on, Bruk­tayt Moges­sie (Lightspeed Com­mer­ce) from Gene­ra­ti­on X, Mil­le­ni­al Wen­ke Sur­auf (Land Ber­lin) and Mia Neu­kirch (Bose­net Sys­tem­haus) from GenZ. The dif­fe­rence in media use alo­ne is asto­nis­hing. But what unites all gene­ra­ti­ons is the desi­re for authen­ti­ci­ty. The audi­ence was wide awa­ke and com­men­ted on the dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves of the gene­ra­ti­ons.
The aim of the event „lear­ning from each other“ could not have been bet­ter fulfilled!

The evening ended with food and drink and good con­ver­sa­ti­on in our Sky Lob­by. As an acti­ve mem­ber of the Mar­ke­ting­club Ber­lin, it was a gre­at plea­su­re for us to host the MCB Club­lounge on this exci­ting topic.