Generation Z Gabal Forum

As part of the Gabal Forum on 20 Octo­ber, social media expert and aut­hor Felix Beil­harz pre­sen­ted his book and tal­ked to us about Gene­ra­ti­on Z. Tog­e­ther we dis­pel­led cli­chés about Gene­ra­ti­on Z: What are their desi­res, their prio­ri­ties, how do they con­su­me media and what are their pro­fes­sio­nal goals? As we dis­co­ver­ed tog­e­ther, many things are not known by the older ones among us – but not bad per se. We should all keep our open­ness and curio­si­ty! Our guests were enthu­si­a­stic and agreed to a short video for Felix‘ net­works at the end of the lecture.

The rbb (local TV chan­nel) was also on site to report on the event and inter­view Felix. He will be fea­tured in the pro­gram­me „Stu­dio 3“ on 6 Novem­ber 2023 at 6:45 pm. After the talk, our guests were able to enjoy the beau­tiful view from the Sky Lob­by and sam­ple our buf­fet, which was pre­pared by our two young chefs Moritz and Julian.

Pho­tos: AXICA / Jani­na Steinmetz