
Zentrum Liberale Moderne

Russia and the West

Zentrum Liberale Moderne

We can agree on one thing: The Rus­si­an war of aggres­si­on against Ukrai­ne is a tur­ning point. But what does that mean? And what’s to be done now? That’s what guests from Ger­man and inter­na­tio­nal poli­tics dis­cus­sed at the Cen­ter for Libe­ral Modernity’s con­fe­rence on March 24, 2022 at the AXICA ple­num in coope­ra­ti­on with the Munich Secu­ri­ty Con­fe­rence. Next to the hosts of the Cen­ter for Libe­ral Moder­ni­ty, Marie­lui­se Beck and Ralf Fücks, guests included, among­st others, the chair­wo­man of the defen­se com­mit­tee, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zim­mer­mann (FDP), and via video stream the for­mer Ukrai­ni­an minis­ter for the exte­ri­or, Paw­lo Klimkin.


  • Pla­ning and exe­cu­ti­on of a press break­fast with sub­se­quent conference
  • Tech­ni­cal exe­cu­ti­on of a hybrid event con­cept inclu­ding video con­fe­ren­ces during dis­cus­sion rounds.
Conference "Russia and the West" of the Center for Liberal Modernity
Marieluise Beck at the conference "Russia and the West" of the Center for Liberal Modernity in the AXICA
"Everything worked out. We have received nothing but praise in feedback from our speakers and participants. I can safely say that the conference would never have been so successful without your work and help. Your flexibility, helpfulness and hospitality made working with you an absolute pleasure."

Zentrum Liberale Moderne