Medienpreises der Kindernothilfe


Kindernothilfe media award


We take respon­si­bi­li­ty for peo­p­le and socie­ty. In addi­ti­on to awa­re­ness for our employees, guests and part­ners, this also includes social com­mit­ment. It was the­r­e­fo­re a mat­ter of the heart for us to be a part­ner of Kin­der­not­hil­fe again and to wel­co­me guests to the media award cerem­o­ny at our event­lo­ca­ti­on. The event under the mot­to „One Evening, Five Sto­ries“ was a remin­der to give the rights and needs of child­ren the neces­sa­ry space in the media.

Kin­der­not­hil­fe once again award­ed the „Sto­ry on Stage“ pri­ze as well as the „Children’s Jury Pri­ze“ to jour­na­lists who have done out­stan­ding report­ing on children’s rights and child rights vio­la­ti­ons. The win­ner of the „Sto­ry on Stage“ pri­ze is Nico­le Rosen­bach with „Die Sto­ry im Ers­ten: War­um Kin­der kei­ne Tyran­nen sind“. The first pri­ze of the children’s jury went to She­rif Riz­kal­lah with „logo! extra – Kin­der auf der Flucht – Wer küm­mert sich um ihre Rech­te?“ for his film contribution.


  • Plan­ning and exe­cu­ting the award ceremony
  • Tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­ti­on by our part­ner AMBION
Sänger Gregor Hägele on stage bei der Medienpreisverleihung der Kindernothilfe
Medienpreis 2022 die Kinderjury mit Gewinner Sherif Rizkallah
Media Award 2022: the children's jury with winner Sherif Rizkallah
„At AXICA, professionalism and cordiality meet. I don’t know of a single location in Berlin that’s so spectacularly unflustered and calm like this house. Whether it be deep down in the Belly of the Whale or high up at eye level with the Quadriga: breathtaking architecture, unique ambience, attentive service, perfect technology and warm-hearted cooperation make AXICA one of the best venues in Berlin.“

Angelika Böhling

spokesperson Kindernothilfe