Ideas breakfast

25 ideas for a better future

Ideas breakfast

Under this mot­to, the ide­as break­fast went live on the mor­ning of April 8, 2022 on anni­ver­sa­ry spe­cial broadcast.
Alre­a­dy 25 times mode­ra­tor Bern­hard Wolff has talkt the toas­ter means in the AXICA. With the ques­ti­on „What is a bet­ter future?“ of AXICA mana­ging direc­tor Marc Mund­stock, star­ted the fast-paced idea break­fast. The ans­wers came from 25 renow­ned spea­k­ers and talk guests: 25 ide­as and thoughts for a bet­ter future. Among them were Cle­mens Arnold from the CSR agen­cy 2bedifferent, trans­for­ma­ti­on expert and TED spea­k­er Arndt Pech­stein, Vera Vie­hö­fer as head of fwd and Uli Wein­berg from the School of Design Thin­king at the Has­so Platt­ner Institute.
The guests beca­me quiet when cur­rent events were touch­ed upon and the Ukrai­ne pro­ject and the appeal for dona­ti­ons by Kata­pult maga­zi­ne from Greifs­wald were pre­sen­ted. The maga­zi­ne sup­ports jour­na­lists from the war zone. (https://​kata​pult​-maga​zin​.de/​d​e​/​a​r​t​i​k​e​l​/​s​p​e​n​d​e​n​-​f​u​e​r​-​u​k​r​a​ine)

The oppor­tu­ni­ty to exch­an­ge thoughts and ide­as and to net­work was actively used by the guests after­wards and also the exten­ded break­fast in the forum of AXICA left not­hing to be desired.
Tho­se who are inte­res­ted can watch the pro­gram retro­s­pec­tively on www​.ideen​frueh​stueck​.de.



  • plan­ning and exe­cu­ti­on of the hybrid conference
  • guest manage­ment
„That was 25 great productions out of AXICA. Every project has its time. The Ideas Breakfast fit in wonderfully. And sometimes the Ideas Breakfast was also ahead of its time. You did live streams when many were still diving. I look forward to more projects with Bernhard Wolff and the team. That was always special. Thanks for letting me be a part of it a total of three times.“

Cristián Gálvez

author, coach, speaker