Under this motto, the ideas breakfast went live on the morning of April 8, 2022 on anniversary special broadcast.
Already 25 times moderator Bernhard Wolff has talkt the toaster means in the AXICA. With the question „What is a better future?“ of AXICA managing director Marc Mundstock, started the fast-paced idea breakfast. The answers came from 25 renowned speakers and talk guests: 25 ideas and thoughts for a better future. Among them were Clemens Arnold from the CSR agency 2bedifferent, transformation expert and TED speaker Arndt Pechstein, Vera Viehöfer as head of fwd and Uli Weinberg from the School of Design Thinking at the Hasso Plattner Institute.
The guests became quiet when current events were touched upon and the Ukraine project and the appeal for donations by Katapult magazine from Greifswald were presented. The magazine supports journalists from the war zone. (https://katapult-magazin.de/de/artikel/spenden-fuer-ukraine)
The opportunity to exchange thoughts and ideas and to network was actively used by the guests afterwards and also the extended breakfast in the forum of AXICA left nothing to be desired.
Those who are interested can watch the program retrospectively on www.ideenfruehstueck.de.