eat!Berlin: Abschlussgala 2022 Copyright: Christian Kielmann für eat!Berlin

eat!Berlin festival

the fes­ti­ve gala dinner

„The best at the end“ is the cre­do of the clo­sing gala at the eat!Berlin Fes­ti­val. And so, once again this year, the chefs gave their best to con­ju­re up an all-around coher­ent menu on the pla­tes of the guests.

Our kit­chen crew around Chef de Cui­sine Wolf­gang Kel­ler shared the coun­ter­tops with guest chefs Tom Wick­boldt from „Kul­meck“ in Herings­dorf, Ste­ven Zeid­ler from „Bri­co­le“ in Prenz­lau­er Berg and Phil­ipp Lie­bisch from Rit­ter von Kemp­ski in Süd­harz and were respon­si­ble for the appe­ti­zer and des­sert. A 5‑course menu with wine accom­p­animent was served:

„Cae­sar Salad“ – let­tuce heart, par­me­san, toma­to, caper.
„Roscoff Oni­on“ – orga­nic moun­tain cheese, truff­le, light­ly bound essence, beet gel, pick­led chi­ve blos­som
Con­fit win­ter cod, mus­sel, beur­re blanc, pick­led poin­ted cab­ba­ge
High­land veal, pars­ley root, Brussels sprouts
Ope­ra of cho­co­la­te and cof­fee, pump­kin seed ice cream and pump­kin salad

The feed­back from the gour­mets pre­sent could not have been bet­ter. Our kit­chen crew was espe­ci­al­ly plea­sed with the prai­se of the guest chefs for their hos­pi­ta­li­ty. The atmo­sphe­re among the almost 30 chefs was cha­rac­te­ri­zed by pro­fes­sio­na­lism and plea­su­re in working tog­e­ther. The guest chefs were deep­ly impres­sed by the way our AXICA kit­chen crew work­ed: five cour­ses of 170 por­ti­ons each, pre­pared to per­fec­tion in star qua­li­ty – this was worth a round of applau­se among col­le­agues at the end of the evening – sup­port­ed by the guests in the hall. In addi­ti­on, the­re was a smooth, cor­di­al ser­vice and by the fes­ti­val direc­tor Bern­hard Moser high­ly self-sel­ec­ted matching wines to the menu.

The mode­ra­ti­on had taken over this year the Drag-Queen Shei­la wolf. The evening’s award win­ners were Hans Haas for his life’s work and Flo­ri­an Glau­ert for the most popu­lar event of 2022.

Pho­tos: eat!Berlin

More infor­ma­ti­on about the fes­ti­val at: EAT​-BER​LIN​.DE