CO2 Drivers and CO2 Reduction

The orga­niza­ti­on Con­Cli­ma­te sup­ports and advi­ses us in our sus­taina­bi­li­ty pro­cess with an inven­to­ry in the area of CO₂. We have now deter­mi­ned the results for the past year. In doing so, we have deter­mi­ned the following:

„Purcha­sed goods and ser­vices“ are the lar­gest item in 2022 with 179.1 t CO₂‑e , which can be explai­ned by the sharp increase in the num­ber of events.
Ano­ther major CO₂ dri­ver for AXICA is the use of dis­trict hea­ting.
While dis­trict hea­ting still accoun­ted for 49.5% in 2021, the per­cen­ta­ge has drop­ped to 28% in 2022. This is part­ly due to the tar­ge­ted reduc­tion in dis­trict hea­ting con­sump­ti­on (from 146 t CO₂‑e to 104.3 t CO₂‑e), but main­ly due to busi­er busi­ness ope­ra­ti­ons becau­se purcha­sing, and the­r­e­fo­re the goods and ser­vices purcha­sed, increased shar­ply after the pandemic.

The amount of events requi­res a high amount of food used for pro­duc­tion. Basi­cal­ly, we are com­mit­ted to using food that is as regio­nal, sea­so­nal and orga­nic as pos­si­ble. In addi­ti­on, we are gra­du­al­ly con­ver­ting most of AXICA’s offe­rings and pro­ducts to vege­ta­ri­an and vegan meals. In this way, we are signi­fi­cant­ly redu­cing the food foot­print despi­te high purcha­sing volu­mes. And the best thing is: we don’t have to do much to con­vin­ce our cus­to­mers – they are pul­ling in the same direc­tion with us!
We have also rea­li­zed that a gre­at tasting pro­duct does not depend on the per­fect exter­nal tex­tu­re. Thus, we incor­po­ra­te „croo­ked vege­ta­bles“ into our dai­ly busi­ness to also do jus­ti­ce to the value chain of a food pro­duct and to coun­ter­act food waste.

Over­all, the­r­e­fo­re, the emis­si­ons of Ope­ra­ti­ons (exclu­ding cate­ring) con­ti­nue to decli­ne and this, despi­te an increased num­ber of events com­pared to the pre­vious year. What’s more, despi­te signi­fi­cant­ly more food purcha­sed, total emis­si­ons per kg of food were reduced.

Of cour­se, we are far from satis­fied with this good result and will con­ti­nue to do our utmost to redu­ce our CO₂ foot­print in the future. For the curr­ent­ly still unavo­ida­ble CO₂ emis­si­ons, we have found a cli­ma­te pro­ject to off­set our emis­si­ons through the cont­act of Con­Cli­ma­te and sup­port the cli­ma­te pro­ject „Clean Drin­king Water in Kasungu/Malawi“ (Gold Standard).

More infor­ma­ti­on about CO₂ off­set­ting and the pro­ject can be found here.