AXICA's 25th anniversary the place for encounter

The AXICA con­gress and con­fe­rence cen­ter on Pari­ser Platz is tur­ning 25.
Ori­gi­nal­ly plan­ned as a can­teen for DZ BANK Ber­lin employees, AXICA under­went a meta­mor­pho­sis right from the start and quick­ly estab­lished its­elf as a sought-after event venue right next to the Bran­den­burg Gate.
The list of high-ran­king repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from busi­ness, poli­tics, the media and socie­ty who have held sym­po­sia, con­fe­ren­ces, recep­ti­ons and par­ties here is long. The­se include ten years of the “Peters­berg Cli­ma­te Dia­lo­gue”, initia­ted by for­mer Ger­man Chan­cell­or Ange­la Mer­kel and guests such as French Pre­si­dent Fran­çois Hol­lan­de, the annu­al “Stars of Sport” awards cerem­o­ny with, among others Fede­ral Pre­si­dent Frank-Wal­ter Stein­mei­er, the ESA’s “Mars Con­fe­rence” in coope­ra­ti­on with NASA, the talk show “Spät am Abend” with Lothar Späth, the Euro­pean Union’s “Euro­pa Design Awards”, the Kin­der­not­hil­fe media pri­ze, the BDI’s Cli­ma­te Con­gress with Fede­ral Minis­ter of Eco­no­mics Robert Habeck and the “Sus­tainable Eco­no­my Sum­mit”. If you are loo­king for the extra­or­di­na­ry, look no fur­ther than Pari­ser Platz – and you will find the AXICA.

In the midd­le of Mit­te!
The­re are over a hundred pro­vi­ders of pro­fes­sio­nal event spaces in Ber­lin, what makes AXICA so spe­cial? It’s the top loca­ti­on and the expres­si­ve archi­tec­tu­re with all the pos­si­bi­li­ties it offers.
Thou­sands of peo­p­le visit the Bran­den­burg Gate every day. Quite a few also take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to visit the buil­ding desi­gned by Cali­for­ni­an star archi­tect Frank O. Gehry.
The award-win­ning archi­tect achie­ved world fame with the Gug­gen­heim Muse­um in Bil­bao, the Lou­is Vuit­ton Foun­da­ti­on in Paris and the Walt Dis­ney Con­cert Hall in Los Ange­les. “The best thing I’ve ever done”, he says of his buil­ding in Ber­lin. It is inde­ed a mas­ter­pie­ce that reve­als its crea­ti­ve power on the insi­de.
An exci­ting rela­ti­onship bet­ween geo­me­tric and bio­mor­phic forms can be seen here. The glass-roofed inner cour­ty­ard, shaped into an atri­um, hou­ses mee­ting and con­fe­rence are­as: Forum, Ple­num, Sky Lob­by and varia­ble rooms.
Whe­ther it was the choice of mate­ri­als, inci­dence of light, room lay­out and color sche­me – despi­te all the per­fec­tion, Frank O. Gehry never for­got what the AXICA Con­gress and Con­fe­rence Cen­ter is real­ly about: the mee­ting of peo­p­le with peo­p­le. He crea­ted an open house for all tho­se who pur­sue gre­at com­mon goals, who want to enjoy work, suc­cess and life tog­e­ther. The house is a com­mit­ment, it crea­tes inspi­ra­ti­on and invi­tes a chan­ge of per­spec­ti­ve. An ide­al place to deve­lop new ideas.

A pas­si­on for work!
Under Jochen A. Loh­mar, Mana­ging Direc­tor from the very begin­ning, the prin­ci­ple of the event loca­ti­on was born: From the very begin­ning, the employees of AXICA have defi­ned them­sel­ves by that cer­tain “more”. More qua­li­ty, more ser­vice, more pas­si­on. Here, sophisti­ca­ted events are accom­pa­nied con­cep­tual­ly, orga­niza­tio­nal­ly, gas­tro­no­mic­al­ly and tech­ni­cal­ly.
Sin­ce its ope­ning, more than 3,000 events have taken place with over 350,000 guests from Ger­ma­ny and abroad, which is clear pro­of of the trust pla­ced in the venue and its team.
Mana­ging Direc­tor Marc A. Mund­stock has been at the helm of AXICA sin­ce Janu­ary 2013 and has added a clear goal to the com­pa­ny: “A buil­ding like this, in a place like Pari­ser Platz, is not just an exclu­si­ve event loca­ti­on. It is a place for events that make a soci­al­ly rele­vant con­tri­bu­ti­on to sha­ping our coun­try and Europe.”

The con­gress and con­fe­rence cen­ter is a pre­mi­um pro­duct. This also appli­es to other ser­vices such as cate­ring and ser­vice, fur­ni­tu­re and deco­ra­ti­on and secu­ri­ty and guest manage­ment. The team has built up enorm­ous exper­ti­se in this area and has expan­ded from a small team of 5 employees to almost 60 talen­ted peo­p­le from all are­as of event orga­niza­ti­on and ope­ra­ti­ons. The trai­ning of juni­or staff is also a high prio­ri­ty.
Aut­ho­ri­zed signa­to­ry Natha­lie Dah­mann-Harb­ecke has been with the com­pa­ny from the very begin­ning: “As ser­vice-pro­vi­ding hosts, we are right in the midd­le of things! For us, events are of the hig­hest order and we are com­mit­ted to them in every detail. To this end, we har­mo­ni­ze the subt­le­ties of archi­tec­tu­re with the wis­hes of our guests on a dai­ly basis.”

Focus on the future
The AXICA team is awa­re of its respon­si­bi­li­ty for the envi­ron­ment and socie­ty and has been working inten­si­ve­ly for years on the visi­on of making a signi­fi­cant con­tri­bu­ti­on to sus­tainable posi­ti­ve chan­ge in socie­ty. The cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on as a “Sus­tainable Mee­ting Part­ner” by visit­Ber­lin in 2019 was the first major step towards sus­tainable action on a jour­ney that is far from over. With the ECG balan­ce sheet, ano­ther mile­stone has been rea­ched that focu­ses on peo­p­le and society.

The visi­on: “The future is crea­ted in places of encoun­ter”, is ancho­red in the con­scious­ness of the AXICA team and gui­des our dai­ly actions – also for the next 25 years.

Press release as pdf