TOP JOB Award 2023

The annu­al TOP JOB award cerem­o­ny was held again at AXICA on Febru­ary 24, 2023.
„TOP JOB“ is an employ­er seal for medi­um-sized com­pa­nies, orga­ni­zed by the Cen­ter for Employ­er Attrac­ti­ve­ness (zeag). For­mer Vice Chan­cell­or Sieg­mar Gabri­el has been patron of the award cerem­o­ny for many years and calls TOP JOB: „A first-class sup­port pro­gram for com­pa­nies that want to fur­ther impro­ve their qua­li­ty as a medi­um-sized employ­er and thus increase cor­po­ra­te success.“

In addi­ti­on to the award cerem­o­ny in our fes­tively lit forum, the­re was inspi­ra­ti­on and a lively exch­an­ge on the topic of employ­er attrac­ti­ve­ness. The appro­xi­m­ate­ly 200 guests were able to learn about best prac­ti­ces and cur­rent trends and take away valuable tips for their own employ­er brand.

After the award cerem­o­ny, the­re was a par­ty in all rooms: Our Audi­to­ri­um was trans­for­med into a club with a dance flo­or, and in the Foy­er the­re was pas­sio­na­te, cross-gene­ra­tio­nal table foot­ball. The Con­fe­rence Rooms and the Ple­num offe­red cove­ted pho­to spots. Our kit­chen team took care of the phy­si­cal well-being with regio­nal delicacies.

The TOP JOB award cerem­o­ny was thus not only a cele­bra­ti­on for the win­ners, but also an inspi­ring event for all par­ti­ci­pan­ts. We are alre­a­dy loo­king for­ward to the next edi­ti­on next year.

For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit: https://​www​.top​job​.de/

Pho­tos: TOP JOB / KD Busch