Volker Meyer-Guckel,

Stifterverband annual meeting 2024

On 26 June, the Stif­ter­ver­band held its annu­al con­fe­rence at AXICA under the hea­ding „Future Fes­ti­val“. Experts from busi­ness, poli­tics, edu­ca­ti­on and civil socie­ty were our guests.

The ques­ti­on at the cent­re of the event was: „How can we make Ger­ma­ny future-pro­of in order to shape chan­ge in the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor?“. Spea­k­ers at the event included Dr Cor­ne­li­us Rie­se, Chair­man of the Exe­cu­ti­ve Board of DZ BANK and Dr Rein­hard Zinkann, Mana­ging Part­ner of Mie­le & Cie KG.

Our tech­no­lo­gy part­ner AMBION desi­gned a T‑shaped stage. This gave our set­up team the oppor­tu­ni­ty to crea­te a new form of sea­ting that put the guests right in the cent­re of the action.

At the sub­se­quent fes­ti­ve event, Chris­ta Roh­de-Dach­ser was award­ed the Richard Mer­ton Pin of Honour for her excep­tio­nal com­mit­ment to the Stif­ter­ver­band. Our foy­er was trans­for­med into an inter­ac­ti­ve future room that offe­red guests the oppor­tu­ni­ty to enga­ge in in-depth dia­lo­gue with experts. The Annu­al Gene­ral Mee­ting was roun­ded off with music.

DZ BANK once again spon­so­red the event this year. Tetya­na Heß was in char­ge of the pro­ject management.

Pho­tos: Stifterverband/ David Ausserhofer