Kindness Economy Gabal Forum

The doors to our event ope­ned on 16 Novem­ber as part of our event series in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the renow­ned publi­shing house Gabal Ver­lag. In the invi­ting atmo­sphe­re of the Sky Lob­by, guests were trea­ted to a get-tog­e­ther with aut­hor, trend rese­ar­cher and futu­ro­lo­gist Oona Horx Strathern.

On this inspi­ring evening, the aut­hor pre­sen­ted her new book on the „Kind­ness Eco­no­my“. Her cre­do: „peo­p­le ‑pla­net ‑pro­fit“. Ins­tead of always focu­sing sole­ly on maxi­mi­sing pro­fits, it is important to think about peo­p­le first, then about our pla­net, and then about pro­fit. The par­ti­ci­pan­ts were immer­sed in a world full of ide­as and per­spec­ti­ves, while Ms Horx Stra­thern shared her insights with many prac­ti­cal examples.

The event was accom­pa­nied by a cosy atmo­sphe­re and culina­ry delights were also on the pro­gram­me. Guests enjoy­ed a varie­ty of dis­hes, inclu­ding fal­a­fel from the Bran­den­burg spoon pea, bur­ra­ta with rocket and nut pes­to, savou­ry fil­led mac­a­rons with gril­led pep­pers, cur­ry cream and len­til cream, gnoc­chi with roas­ted mush­rooms and bal­sa­mic oni­ons and crè­me brûlée from the mace flower.

May this extra­or­di­na­ry evening live on in the memo­ries of all par­ti­ci­pan­ts and ser­ve as a source of crea­ti­ve inspi­ra­ti­on. A big thank you to ever­yo­ne who was part of this for­ward-loo­king evening.

Pho­tos: AXICA / Jani­na Steinmetz