Germany's largest cancer convention YES!CON

On 14 Octo­ber, we hos­ted the YES!CON. The con­ven­ti­on offe­red an impres­si­ve plat­form for the exch­an­ge of know­ledge and expe­ri­ence in the field of onco­lo­gy. In various panels, experts, doc­tors and pati­ents dis­cus­sed the topics of inno­va­ti­on, infor­ma­ti­on, inter­ac­tion, inspi­ra­ti­on, exch­an­ge and moti­va­ti­on in lec­tures, work­shops and public events.

YES!CON was not just an event, it was a true expe­ri­ence, cha­rac­te­ri­sed by a uni­que spi­rit. Posi­ti­vi­ty and hope per­me­a­ted the enti­re event, and ever­yo­ne who atten­ded felt this inspi­ring ener­gy. The par­ti­ci­pan­ts radia­ted hap­pi­ness and con­tent­ment. It was not a simp­le con­fe­rence, but a real mee­ting, with num­e­rous work­shops, ple­na­ry talks, encoun­ters with testimonies….

For this occa­si­on, our dif­fe­rent spaces trans­for­med them­sel­ves to best adapt to the needs of the con­ven­ti­on: our ple­na­ry beca­me the place for talks, while our forum tur­ned into a real dia­lo­gue space.

The con­ven­ti­on com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly cover­ed a wide ran­ge of topics, inclu­ding digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on, cli­ni­cal tri­als and nut­ri­ti­on. Pro­mi­nent guests such as the Minis­ter of Health Dr Karl Lau­ter­bach, the Minis­ter Pre­si­dent Manue­la Schwe­sig, the sin­ger Ana­sta­cia and the pre­sen­ter Joko Win­ter­scheid enri­ched the event with their know­ledge and pre­sence.
It was an honour for us to host this event with its 600 guests.

Our pro­ject mana­ger David Bau­er coor­di­na­ted the orga­ni­sa­ti­on of this event.

Pho­tos: AXICA / Jani­na Steinmetz