Symposium 20224 des VDW im Forum der AXICA.

Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler e.V.

Symposium 2024 - "That's not enough: step by step to the future"

Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler e.V.

On 3 July 2024, the Asso­cia­ti­on of Ger­man Sci­en­tists held a sym­po­si­um in our forum. The mot­to, on the occa­si­on of the 85th bir­th­day of Ernst Ulrich von Weiz­sä­cker, envi­ron­men­tal sci­en­tist and SPD poli­ti­ci­an, was: „That’s not enough: step by step to the future“. Inte­res­t­ing pre­sen­ta­ti­ons were fol­lo­wed by various work­shops in our neigh­bou­ring rooms. At the same time, our set-up team car­ri­ed out a com­ple­te reor­ga­ni­sa­ti­on. The forum was trans­for­med from a con­fe­rence area with theat­re sea­ting into a room with ban­quet tables. The sym­po­si­um con­cluded with an evening event inclu­ding an award cerem­o­ny and a deli­cious buf­fet, which roun­ded off the sym­po­si­um perfectly.


  • plan­ning and rea­li­sa­ti­on of the symposium
  • car­ry­ing out a com­ple­te remo­del­ling of the forum
  • plan­ning and rea­li­sa­ti­on of the evening event with din­ner buffet


Prof. Dr. Götz Neuneck (VDW-Vorstandsvorsitzender), Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker – bei der Verleihung der Max-Born Medaille an EU von Weizsäcker
Prof. Dr. Götz Neuneck (Chairman of the VDW Executive Board), Prof. Dr Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker - at the presentation of the Max Born-Medal to Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker
Bühenenansicht: Dr. Maria Reinisch, Annika Harzmann, Andreas Corusa und Annabell Ringwald
"AXICA is my favourite location. The atmosphere of the place with its view of the sky and the versatile rooms provide the framework for thinking in new and different ways, for being open to ideas and at the same time developing answers to the major challenges. The unique location and the professional support of the team were a perfect combination for our symposium "That's not enough: step by step to the future" to mark the 85th birthday of Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker. I am already looking forward to the next events at AXICA and would like to say thank you!"

Dr. Maria Reinisch

Managing Director of the Association of German Scientists e. V.