Festversammlung im Forum der AXICA.

Festive assembly

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.

Festive assembly

On June 12, the Fes­ti­ve Assem­bly 2024 of Max-Plack-Gesell­schaft, orga­nis­ed by the event agen­cy EUROKONGRESS GmbH, took place at the AXICA. Around 550 guests, inclu­ding for­mer Ger­man Pre­si­dent Horst Köh­ler, were invi­ted. At the cent­re of the mee­ting was a panel dis­cus­sion on the topic of cli­ma­te chan­ge, in which inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry approa­ches to tack­ling it were discussed.


  • plan­ning and rea­li­sa­ti­on of the fes­ti­ve assembly
  • crea­ti­on of a har­mo­nis­ed food concept
  • ensu­ring the secu­ri­ty of the Fede­ral Chancellor


Bühnenansicht bei der Festversammlung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in der AXICA.
Max-Planck-Präsident Patrick Cramer bei seiner Rede zum Thema Klimawandel.
"Thank you very much for the always very good, constructive and - the closer the event came - very close and individual cooperation to make the festive assembly a success together. A really special location and a great AXICA team!
We will definitely remember the delicious food. We would be happy to enquire about AXICA again for the next suitable event."

Stefanie Roth

Senior Project Manager, EUROKONGRESS GmbH