Gäste im Forum des AXICA während des Gröner Group Future Forum

Gröner Group Future Forum

Ecobuilding for ecological and innovative construction

Gröner Group Future Forum

On Janu­ary 26, 2023, Grö­ner Group pre­sen­ted its new cor­po­ra­te stra­tegy at the „Grö­ner Group Future Forum“ here at AXICA: with Eco­buil­ding, an eco­lo­gi­cal and inno­va­ti­ve way of buil­ding, the com­pa­ny places CO₂-neu­tra­li­ty, high-qua­li­ty archi­tec­tu­re, people’s requi­re­ments and eco­no­mic effi­ci­en­cy equal­ly at the cen­ter of its actions.

It was a suc­cessful event whe­re not only the con­tent revol­ved around sus­taina­bi­li­ty. We, as AXICA, were also able to show how good regio­nal cui­sine tas­tes with our menu „This is us“. And the impres­si­ve archi­tec­tu­re of our buil­ding framed the evening perfectly.


  • Plan­ning and imple­men­ta­ti­on of the forum
Gast im Atrium am Abend
Desserts am Buffet
"At our group's Future Forum, our guests and we enjoyed AXICA's excellent service and high standards at every moment. The architectural setting has underlined the presentation of our new product ecobuilding, which at its core includes a different way of building and a sustainable way of building."

Gröner Group AG