German-British #Freundship Award

Award ceremony 2024

German-British #Freundship Award

On 13 March, we hos­ted the Ger­man-Bri­tish #Freund­ship Awards cerem­o­ny. The award cerem­o­ny was orga­nis­ed by the Bri­tish Cham­ber of Com­mer­ce in Ger­ma­ny and the Bri­tish Embas­sy. Around 250 inspi­ring per­so­na­li­ties, inclu­ding Jill Gall­ard, Ambassa­dor of the United King­dom in Ger­ma­ny, and Clau­dia Roth, Minis­ter of Sta­te, atten­ded the event. The high­light of the evening was the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the Ger­man-Bri­tish #Freund­ship Award 2024 to Taci­ta Dean for her out­stan­ding com­mit­ment to deepe­ning rela­ti­ons and fri­end­ship bet­ween Ger­ma­ny and the UK. Bet­ween the various pro­gram­me items, we trea­ted our guests to fin­ger food and a deli­cious 3‑course menu. Pia­no music and sti­mu­la­ting con­ver­sa­ti­on roun­ded off the evening harmoniously.


  • plan­ning and rea­li­sa­ti­on of the award ceremony
  • pre­pa­ra­ti­on and coor­di­na­ti­on of fin­ger food and a 3‑course menu
  • loo­king after the VIP guests


"Just walking down the red carpet with a view of the Brandenburg Gate and the festively illuminated, spectacular and stylish architecture of AXICA provided our guests with a breathtaking introduction and setting for the presentation of our #friendship award. Even during the event planning, we felt that we were in good hands and well advised by the team at all times and experienced how our wishes were perfectly realised at all times, including last-minute requests! The first-class catering and attentive service rounded off this evening, which will remain an extraordinary memory for us and our international guests!"

Ilka Hartmann

Managing Director of the British Chamber of Commerce in Germany