Publikums-Sicht auf die Bühne der ESA/NASA Konferenz


Mission Mars Conference


The dream of landing on Mars dates back to the 1960s, when the first moon landings were plan­ned and had suc­cee­ded. In April 2018 over 150 sci­en­tists from all over the world con­ve­ned at AXICA to dis­cuss the next steps on the path to ful­fil­ling that dream. ESA and NASA work­ed clo­se­ly tog­e­ther to bring the next (unman­ned) mis­si­on on its way. Flight sys­tems, poten­ti­al landing sites, the coll­ec­ting of rock samples (and their ana­ly­sis), and the trans­port back to Earth were only a few of the sub­jects dis­cus­sed during the three-day program.
The Mars Rover and other exhi­bits dis­play­ed in the foy­er were the „silent stars“ of the conference.


  • plan­ning and exe­cu­ti­on of the ESA/NASA inter­na­tio­nal sci­ence con­fe­rence inclu­ding exhibition
  • instal­la­ti­on of high­ly sen­si­ti­ve exhi­bits in the foyer
2nd Mars Sample Return Conference at AXICA with scientists from all over the world
2nd Mars sample return conference at AXICA in April 2018 with 150 participants over 3 days
„I want to thank you once again for attending to us in your extraordinary event location. We’ve received exclusively positive feedback for the event and are certain that the location, the venue and the phenomenal organization of the AXICA employees contributed to that success.“

Yael Asher

HE Space Operations for ESA