Meinungsvielfalt Diversity of opinion / Denkfabrik R21

Diversity of opinion

The Con­fe­rence of the „DenkfabrikR21“

The “Denk­fa­brik Republik21” – a think tank of renow­ned minds from sci­ence, busi­ness and jour­na­lism – was foun­ded only recent­ly and held its first con­gress under the pro­vo­ca­ti­ve title „Woke Ger­ma­ny – Iden­ti­ty Poli­tics as a Thre­at to Our Free­dom“ on Novem­ber 7, 2022 in our plenum.

Pro­mi­nent speakers:inside at the event were, in addi­ti­on to Andre­as Röd­der, his­to­ri­an and pro­fes­sor of recent histo­ry Mainz, the for­mer fami­ly minis­ter Kris­ti­na Schrö­der, psy­cho­lo­gist and aut­hor Ahmad Mans­ur and come­di­an Die­ter Nuhr. It is important to all of them that con­tro­ver­si­al dis­cus­sions con­ti­nue to take place in our demo­cra­tic socie­ty and that a respectful dia­lo­gue of diver­se opi­ni­ons is possible.

The event was broad­cast via live stream on the Inter­net and many dai­ly news­pa­pers, maga­zi­nes and TV sta­ti­ons were also inte­res­ted in the topic.

In addi­ti­on to the orga­niza­tio­nal coor­di­na­ti­on with the orga­ni­zers, our col­le­ague Nina Ost­hee­ren-Bene­dic­ter and our secu­ri­ty team coor­di­na­ted the various requests for inter­view posi­ti­ons and image motifs from the dif­fe­rent media such as FAZ, NZZ, Tages­spie­gel, taz, ARD and Welt. A task that was of cour­se hand­led pro­fes­sio­nal­ly by us and was reflec­ted in the extre­me­ly posi­ti­ve feed­back from the event organizers.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the event can be found at: DENKFABRIKR21

Pho­tos: dpa/Britta Pedersen