Conference rooms in the heart of Berlin

Architecture of motion

Open Space for ideas and visions

The con­fe­rence rooms of the AXICA venue, direct­ly next to the Bran­den­burg Gate, are uni­que and lend every event that spe­cial some­thing. Be it in the forum floo­ded with light, in the futu­ristic ple­num or in the Sky Lob­by abo­ve the roofs of Ber­lin: fle­xi­ble room designs crea­te uni­que encoun­ters for up to 600 par­ti­ci­pan­ts. And insi­de the visio­na­ry archi­tec­tu­re of Frank O. Gehry every con­fe­rence, semi­nar, pre­sen­ta­ti­on or get tog­e­ther beco­mes a uni­que expe­ri­ence – with our sus­tainable event management. 
Atri­um of the AXICA Kon­gress- and Con­ven­ti­on Cen­ter in Berlin 
Meeting room, the Plenum, in the AXICA event location from the inside, organically shaped walls made of pine wood, reminding of the inside of a walnut

Expect the unexpected

What sets the AXICA apart?

The AXICA is cen­tral­ly loca­ted at the Bran­den­burg Gate in direct vici­ni­ty to poli­tics and society.

The venue fea­tures visio­na­ry archi­tec­tu­re and design by Frank Gehry.

A sus­tainable in-house catering

With modern equip­ment and tech part­ner on site.

With cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons, e.g. „Sus­tainable Mee­tings Ber­lin“ and „Gemein­­wohl-Öko­­­no­­mie“ (eco­no­my for the com­mon goods).

A full-ser­­vice event manage­ment for your event.

View out of the window of the AXICA event location with a view of the Brandenburg Gate which is reflected in a glass top of a table

Your events at the Brandenburg Gate

Pariser Platz 3

We adapt our ver­sa­ti­le spaces and our AXICA event manage­ment to your needs and demands in a fle­xi­ble way. So that you can focus on what’s important to you: Your ide­as and visi­ons. We pro­vi­de the per­fect frame for sin­g­le- and mul­­ti-day events – be it a con­fe­rence, semi­nar, pre­sen­ta­ti­on or work­shop. Explo­re our spaces now and find the right one for your event.

Guests at bar tables at a reception in the AXICA event location. The foyer with red carpet, surrounded by wooden pine panels, can be seen.

More than an event location: a place for encounters

Be it con­gress rooms for for­ging big ide­as or con­fe­rence rooms with a view of the capi­tal: AXICA pro­vi­des a space for visi­ons in Frank Gehry’s Ber­lin masterpiece.