Berlin Partner New Year's Talk Diversity

With its loca­ti­on direct­ly at the Bran­den­burg Gate, AXICA is a real Ber­li­ner. And that is not the only reason why we are a mem­ber of the Ber­lin Part­ner Net­work. We share the enthu­si­asm for Ber­lin and the deep will to pro­mo­te eco­no­mic growth, tech­no­lo­gy and inno­va­ti­on for the city.
What could be more natu­ral than to cele­bra­te the network’s New Year’s Talk 2023 at AXICA? Ste­fan Franz­ke, CEO Ber­lin Part­ner, used the mee­ting at the begin­ning of the year to pre­sent the plan­ned actions for 2023.
The actu­al topic of the evening, howe­ver, was „Diver­si­ty lived at Ber­lin Part­ner“. For Ber­lin as a busi­ness loca­ti­on, diver­si­ty cul­tu­re is an important indi­ca­tor for choo­sing a loca­ti­on, both for job see­kers and for com­pa­nies, cul­tu­ral and sci­en­ti­fic insti­tu­ti­ons. The Ber­lin Part­ner Net­work pre­sen­ted some of their best prac­ti­ces at the New Year’s Talk. Danie­la Kand­ju­l­ov from News­week inter­view­ed repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from Ber­lin-Che­mie, Gegen­bau­er Hol­ding, Micro­soft, NTT and the Catho­lic Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces. And our ser­vice mana­ger Ind­ra­dev mixed non-alco­ho­lic cock­tails for the inter­view­ees live on stage, set­ting the pace for the ans­wers.
Under the lar­ge glass dome of our Forum, the evening ended with good con­ver­sa­ti­ons and small deli­ca­ci­es from our kitchen.

pho­tos: Ber­lin Part­ner / event​fo​to​gra​fen​.de