Medienpreis-Kindernothilfe 2024- Veranstaltung-Saal Kindernothilfe-Medienpreis 2024: Impressionen der Preisverleihung am 15.11.2024

An Evening for children's rights

AXICA sup­port­ed the 26th Kin­der­not­hil­fe media award ceremony

On Novem­ber 15, 2024, we had the plea­su­re of hos­ting the 26th Kin­der­not­hil­fe Media Award Cerem­o­ny at our pre­mi­ses direct­ly at the Bran­den­burg Gate. Under the patro­na­ge of Sven­ja Schul­ze, Fede­ral Minis­ter for Eco­no­mic Coope­ra­ti­on and Deve­lo­p­ment, excep­tio­nal jour­na­li­stic con­tri­bu­ti­ons on children’s rights issues were honored.

As a long-stan­ding part­ner of Kin­der­not­hil­fe, it was a mat­ter clo­se to our hearts to sup­port this spe­cial evening. Around 250 guests came tog­e­ther to cele­bra­te the award win­ners and dis­cuss the often sho­cking but urgen­tly important topics. “Sup­port­ing Kin­der­not­hil­fe is part of our com­mit­ment to a fai­rer socie­ty. It is an honour for us to have been able to give this valuable event a place to make the­se important issues heard with our loca­ti­on for years,” empha­si­zes AXICA Mana­ging Direc­tor Marc Mundstock.

Award-win­ning con­tri­bu­ti­ons that make a dif­fe­rence
Hono­ring the award win­ners was the focus of the event:

  • Sebas­ti­an Bell­win­kel recei­ved the “Sto­ry on Stage” award for his haun­ting TV docu­men­ta­ry “Das Tabu im Tabu – Kin­des­miss­brauch durch Frau­en” (SWR). Lau­da­tor Vale­rie Nie­haus descri­bed the con­tri­bu­ti­on as “a sho­cking moment that breaks the silence and initia­tes a neces­sa­ry discourse.”
  • Jana Magdanz was hono­red with the “Children’s Jury Pri­ze” for her tou­ch­ing radio report “When death is omni­pre­sent – in a children’s hospi­ce” (WDR). The children’s jury jus­ti­fied their choice with the words: “Sad topics are also part of life and were told in this con­tri­bu­ti­on in such a way that we can under­stand them.”
  • The spe­cial pri­ze went to Caro­lin Kebe­kus for her cam­paign #KIN­DER­stö­ren (ARD). Andre­as Cicho­wicz, mem­ber of the jury, prai­sed her as a “civil socie­ty acti­vist who takes respon­si­bi­li­ty with her com­mit­ment and fights for a fai­rer, more child-fri­end­ly society.”

A moving atmo­sphe­re in our forum
Alt­hough the topics dis­cus­sed were serious, tog­e­ther with our guests we expe­ri­en­ced an evening full of hope, reflec­tion and soli­da­ri­ty. Cele­bri­ties such as Nata­lia Wör­ner, Sina Tkot­sch and Mal­te Arko­na as well as many other sup­port­ers of Kin­der­not­hil­fe gave the evening a very spe­cial flair.

The event was sen­si­tively mode­ra­ted by Sabi­ne Hein­rich and Juli Kraus and made it clear how important it is to give child­ren a voice. It was a gre­at honor for us to crea­te the right set­ting for this.

We would like to thank Kin­der­not­hil­fe for their trust and all tho­se invol­ved for their com­mit­ment. Tog­e­ther we can help to streng­then the rights of child­ren worldwide.

Pho­tos: Kindernothilfe