Jahresversammlung 2024 des Verband deutscher Unternehmerinnen (VdU)

70th anniversary Association of German Women Entrepreneurs

On May 28, we cele­bra­ted a very spe­cial anni­ver­sa­ry: 70 years of the Asso­cia­ti­on of Ger­man Women Entre­pre­neurs. The VdU has repre­sen­ted the inte­rests of fema­le entre­pre­neurs across all sec­tors as a trade asso­cia­ti­on sin­ce 1954. For over 70 years, the VdU has been cam­paig­ning for more fema­le entre­pre­neur­ship, more women in manage­ment posi­ti­ons and bet­ter con­di­ti­ons for women in business.

Our atri­um was aglow with the arri­val of the 500 fema­le entre­pre­neurs and guests who had come to the annu­al mee­ting. Chan­cell­or Olaf Scholz’s key­note speech in our forum ope­ned the con­gress on the topic of “Inno­va­tions in SMEs”. Fol­lo­wing his key­note speech, the­re was a lively dis­cus­sion with the audi­ence about inno­va­ti­on, the future of the busi­ness loca­ti­on and its struc­tu­ral frame­work conditions.

The event was framed by our deli­cious cate­ring in the foy­er and a small exhi­bi­ti­on of spon­sors in the con­fe­rence rooms and our ent­rance area.

AXICA pro­ject mana­ger Dewi­ya­na Fau­zan was deligh­ted that ever­y­thing went like clock­work and that the coope­ra­ti­on with the Fede­ral Chancellor’s secu­ri­ty team was as smooth as usual.

The orga­ni­zer of the VdU Natha­lie Kie­keben than­ked us with a won­derful feed­back: „We are so hap­py how suc­cessful our event was with you. Ms. Fau­zan did a per­fect job, tog­e­ther with her enti­re team. Thank you for so much pro­fes­sio­na­lism, we are hap­py to recom­mend you.“

Pho­tos: © STAGEVIEW – Pedro Becer­ra / VdU