40 years German friends of LSE

The 40th anni­ver­sa­ry of the “Ver­ein der Freun­de der Lon­don School of Eco­no­mics and Poli­ti­cal Sci­ence e.V.” (Ger­man Fri­ends of LSE) was cele­bra­ted in Octo­ber. The anni­ver­sa­ry event, which took place from Octo­ber 18 to 20, brought tog­e­ther alum­ni, fri­ends and sup­port­ers of the renow­ned Lon­don School of Eco­no­mics (LSE) for a weekend of dis­cus­sion, exch­an­ge and celebration.

The cen­tral day of the pro­gram took place on Satur­day in our ple­na­ry hall, offe­ring a won­derful com­bi­na­ti­on of intellec­tu­al exch­an­ge and excep­tio­nal ambi­ence.
After a warm wel­co­me, the pro­gram began with a lec­tu­re by Pro­fes­sor Dr. Sön­ke Neit­zel, Chair of Mili­ta­ry Histo­ry at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pots­dam. Under the title “Rea­dy for war? Remarks on the ‚Tur­ning Point‘”, he ana­ly­zed the impact of the war in Ukrai­ne on Ger­man and Euro­pean secu­ri­ty policy.

After an exclu­si­ve archi­tec­tu­ral tour of AXICA by our col­le­ague Nadi­ne and a cof­fee break, the focus was on the panel dis­cus­sion chai­red by Pro­fes­sor Micha­el Cox, Foun­ding Direc­tor of LSE IDEAS and Eme­ri­tus Pro­fes­sor of Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­ti­ons at LSE. The topic “Rethin­king the Trans­at­lan­tic Rela­ti­onship After Trump” addres­sed cur­rent geo­po­li­ti­cal deve­lo­p­ments and the future of trans­at­lan­tic relations.

After an exclu­si­ve archi­tec­tu­ral tour of AXICA by our col­le­ague Nadi­ne and a cof­fee break, the focus was on the panel dis­cus­sion chai­red by Pro­fes­sor Micha­el Cox, Foun­ding Direc­tor of LSE IDEAS and Eme­ri­tus Pro­fes­sor of Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­ti­ons at LSE. The topic “Rethin­king the Trans­at­lan­tic Rela­ti­onship After Trump” addres­sed cur­rent geo­po­li­ti­cal deve­lo­p­ments and the future of trans­at­lan­tic rela­ti­ons.
“It was an honor to be part of this spe­cial cele­bra­ti­on and to expe­ri­ence the inspi­ring dis­cus­sions on our pre­mi­ses,” said Nadi­ne Unger, Direc­tor Key Account Manage­ment at AXICA.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found at

Pho­tos: Ger­man Fri­ends of LSE